31 Days to Purchasing and Renting Your First Investment Real Estate Property Workbook and Planning Guide



What Is Investment Real Estate, and Is It Right for YOU?

The 31 Days to Purchasing and Renting Your First Investment Real Estate Property Workbook and Planning Guide will help you take control over your financial portfolio through investment real estate. As a result, you’ll have the knowledge and tools at your ready and be set to achieve your goal of creating the financial returns you deserve.

Each day offers valuable learnings and coaching challenges that will boost your journey to investment real estate success so you can build a strong financial foundation, unlock sustainable wealth, and create a living legacy.

  • Set a clear vision and mission for your investment real estate portfolio
  • Determine your financial base and purchasing power
  • Clearly define the value you bring to your tenants, partners, and community
  • Position yourself as an expert by identifying and assembling your Team REAL
  • Design marketing programs and tools that will get you great tenants
  • Create an investment real estate business plan that will boost your financial portfolio

Build a home office equipped with the latest investment real estate tools and technology and learn the systems, processes, and procedures you need to operate your business.

This workbook and planning guide will get you the results you desire through the purchase of the right property, in the right marketplace, at the right time while helping you lower operating costs and increase rental revenue. Build your investment real estate business in a lower-risk environment without making the most common costly mistakes, and reap the rewards of investment real estate.