How Do You Know The End is In Sight? Are You Sure?
Post 3, Day 3
There is a COVID-19 end in sight!
Is the end as close as some countries would have you believe?
Don’t let anyone fool you.
China is talking out of both sides of their mouth, opening up Wuhan and yet closing down all movie theatres in their country one day and then reopening the movie the next day.
What is real and what is reported is a contradiction.
Each country is now talking about second and third waves; what are you to believe? Is China on the cusp of another second wave? Only time will tell.
Did you notice at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, most countries leaders and health experts were saying it was a China thing, closing borders or restricting travel was not going to help.
Many countries even sent China medical supplies to help them through this China only pandemic. I admire the generosity of people.
Several global health professionals had advised their governments not to send these medical supplies to other countries the coronavirus would carry throughout the world.
Health professionals have known you can not restrict germs from crossing borders.
Most world leaders in the early stages of the pandemic were not listening to their experts. Now all these same people have done a complete 180 and are closing borders, restricting travel, trying to get medical supplies back from China and reversing so many of these ill-timed decisions.
I am not pointing fingers as these folks are from all different political stripes.
We have had many countries in denial, including Brazil. The political will of Brazil is creating the conditions for another Italy. The population of Brazil is much larger than Italy.
The Brazilian coronavirus pandemic has arrived in Brazil, and the country is now reporting cases throughout all of the country. It is worrying that the Brazilian poor will take on the brunt of the illness.
And no or little testing is being done in much of Africa, and it could be several months or maybe years until Africa can access their continent correctly.
With no global endgame, we could be talking months or perhaps years before there is a crushing of the coronavirus global curve.
Restricted travel from country to country may be a short term way to get this pandemic under control, but there will be pressure soon to open up these borders.
Each country must take care of themselves first and then lead a healthy hand to others and passing on their learning about COVID-19 to others.
The coronavirus is like a global puzzle; we need every piece to complete the puzzle.
The rules for reducing the global spread of the coronavirus disease is clear:
- practice social distancing,
- basic hygiene of washing our hands with soap and water,
- use alcohol-based hand sanitizer,
- don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth,
- avoid close contact with people who are sick if sick don’t go out,
- cough and sneeze into your sleeve and not your hands
- and avoid non-essential travel.
Symptoms are fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.
We all need to take on personal responsibility, think about everyone’s health, don’t hoard or get greedy, share, and help if you can.
From Our Happy Place to Yours, Be Healthy, Be Safe Until Our Next Post
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