What Happens When Millennials Miss Out on 20 Years?

The Loss of The Great One On April 18, 1999, Wayne Gretzky played his last game in the NHL (National Hockey League) an NHL career that spanned 20 years. (1979 to 1999) In a previous blog post, I described my meeting and a conversation with Wayne’s Dad Walter Gretzky. (click on the link to read this post; Challenge;…

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Millennial Generation under Assault from “No How To” Want

In North American Millennials now represent a segment of the population that is as large as the Boomer generation. The big difference between the Millennial and the Boomers is the Stage of Life.  The Millennials have a long and winding road ahead of them, and for the Boomers, the end of the road is more…

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Canadians Stay Out; Banned and Blacklisted from USA October 18, 2018

Canadians Banned and Blacklisted from the USA Snowbirds (once affectionately known as Canadians wintering in the United States) as of October 18, 2018, maybe traveling and vacationing to the United States for the last time. All Canadian assets will be seized, sold off and taken into the United States Federal Government General Revenue to help to continue…

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Behind the Scenes; How Do I Become an Everyday Millionaire?

Behind the scenes has been described as “Where the Real Action Happens.” I have appreciated those who have been taking the time to read my investment real estate blog posts and your comments have been very supportive. My goal is to share Everything Investment Real Estate and to strip away the mystery behind investment real estate. Part…

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What’s In It For Me WIIFM: A Better Life and Actionable Opportunities?

What’s In It For Me WIIFM: A Better Life and Actionable Opportunities? What does this mean? Are you listening to your favourite podcast or reading your favourite blog post to add value to your life and turn what you have heard or read into an opportunity? Most people don’t search for a website; for instance,…

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