Welcome to the Gen “Z” Suite, How to Transform Investment Real Estate

Generational Reasons to Succeed How to transform investment real estate purchasing strategies or processes might be more meaningful to you than another generation; whether you are a member of Generation Z, a millennial, a Generation X, or a baby boomer. In my book, 31 Days to Purchasing and Renting Your First Investment Real Estate Property I…

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You Chose Top Ten Blog Posts for Considering Investment Real Estate

You Chose Top Ten Blog Posts for Considering Investment Real Estate You Chose Top Ten Blog Posts for Considering Investment Real Estate. I am closing in on 125 Blog Posts written regarding the value of adding Investment Real Estate to your financial portfolio. Holiday Reading Many of my blog readers have asked me if I…

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How to Voice Your Message Love Your First Sales and Marketing Rewards

How to Voice Your Message Love Your First Sales and Marketing Rewards How to Voice Your Message Love Your First Sales and Marketing Rewards. I am sharing this news when my blog’s primary function is encouraging readers to consider investing in real estate as part of their financial portfolios. Many of you have honoured me…

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