Good Luck or Bad Luck, is it Plain Old Luck

Day/Blog Post 8 Good Luck or Bad Luck, is it Plain Old Luck! My wife and I live by the mantra, “Things Happen for a Reason.” We always look for the “Whys” and what lessons learnt. The coronavirus lessons are not still obvious; some folks will recognize sooner than later, and opportunities unveiled. Living by…

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How to Age, Live at Home or Get Housed? Scary Times

Day/Post 7 Ageing Opportunities 93 and 95 Yes!! I have stopped watching the news first thing in the morning because as the news day unfolds, the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in North America continue to climb, our reality these days can be depressing. Everyone is trying to be positive and look for signs…

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Fund Your Portfolio from Bottles in the Ditch

Day 6/Post 6 Fund Your Portfolio from Bottles in the Ditch or Put Normal Spending Habits on hold. In the previous blog post, I mentioned for as little as $1000; you could set up an online account and start trading on the stock exchange. You might be saying, “Great, Rick, but how do I find…

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Why Other Investments? How to Grow Outside Your SandBox

Day 4, Post 4 Other investments, how to grow outside of your investment real estate sandbox. Why? The answer is simple: Because of the current volatility, the coronavirus pandemic has thrown the investment real estate marketplace into a tailspin. The tenants who live in the investment real estate space are concerned about having a safe…

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